Muslims and Liberals

Myriad East-West interactions renewing religious and secular values

Is Obama a Muslim?

A Republican activist I had met last month at a Middle East Policy Council seminar in Washington called over the weekend. She asked what I thought about President Obama’s speech at the Democratic  convention in Charlotte, N.C., before getting to the reason for her call. Did I know if “Obama is really a Muslim”?  The...

Americans fed up with right and left

The documentary “2016: Obama’s America” is drawing big crowds in the South, reports my hometown newspaper the Washington Examiner . And  “liberal and conservative voters” watching it are cursing President Obama. “I have to get some more friends” to see the documentary, says 18-year-old Tammy Birdwell who watched it in Greenville, N.C. “We have to...

U.S. liberals callous to Libyan uprising

By Mustafa Malik  President Obama always makes good speeches, and he gave an excellent one defending his administration’s participation in NATO’s military intervention in Libya. The coalition bombing has averted, as the president pointed out, a “brutal repression and looming humanitarian crisis” brought on by Muammar Qadhafi’s forces.  Even though   the Qadhafi forces have halted...